Translation of corporate and medical documents is technically difficult and can be time-consuming. Although you may require professional medical translation services for relatively short documents (such as medical reports, etc.) of up to five pages long, medical terminology is highly technical and certified medical document translation often requires knowledge of the source and target languages, as well as Latin.
In other words, there is no shortcut is you are looking to translate your corporate medical documents. Your only way is to resort to a certified medical translator to take care of the translation of medical terms and a professional agency to ensure certification and notarization of the translated text.
We offer professional medical translation services, which often involve translation of long corporate, commercial or business documents. Some documents, such as business plans, may be more than a hundred pages long and contain complex tables and graphs, which must all be recreated in the translated document.
As part of our regular corporate translation work, we translate bank statements, companies register certificates or extracts, business contracts, commercial or building agreements and project plans as well as tender and bid applications.